
21 months


This post is a little late! He was 21 months on the 12th!! Stratton is such a little man now! He is so smart and funny. He has an opinion about almost everything and doesn't care to let you know about it. He has lots of phrases, which is fun! And will repeat (or try to repeat) just about anything you say, which is funny- but also alarming! He loves to sing and go to "class" (bible class) and likes to GO! He is really on a motorcycle ("cycles") kick right now. He can spot one 10 miles away! He still loves and talks about tractors all the time, and thanks to my dad thinks that any tractor he sees he should be able to "ride". We are surprised everyday with something new he has learned or shows us! He can count to 10 but rarely does, he counts to 4 a lot then gets distracted. And he knows the letters of his name up to the second t. . .He will say "S, T, R, A. . .then forgets the rest! haha! He does really well with writing utensils and eating utensils. We were thinking he might be left handed but he is favoring the right hand now more, and more. He is a mess (and will tell you so) and we are exhausted from chasing him around, but we wouldn't change a thing!


kali said...

such a cute picture of Stratton! I know I haven't seen him in a while, but he looks like he is getting taller!

amber leann said...

He does look tall!! So sweet!