
Little Dare Devil


He actually has two shirts that are quite befitting of him these days. . .one says "I do my own stunts" and the other says "Dare Devil". Don't leave him alone for more than a few seconds, because you never know what you are going to find him doing! Like trying to stand on his new fire truck or anything with a little height that he can crawl on, trying to climb in the bath tub, pulling things off tables, chasing {terrorizing} the cat around and pulling her tail, banging and pulling on the blinds and curtains, eating the cat food (or anything food like on the floor), basically wreaking havoc on our house!!

Oh no, he can't just ride things like a normal kid would. I have actually caught him STANDING on this fire truck with hands on the handle bars. But when I run to get the camera out he gets down. I have gotten over trying to make him stop, it's a lost cause. It's not like he can fall very far! We have nick- named him "bruiser" he is always crawling up on something and falling off or running into/over stuff- I know it's just him being a boy, but he looks awful! His little legs are so bummed up! Yesterday a kid at day care accidentally scratched him right across his nose! He looked just awful, I almost hated to take him to church!! People probably think horrible things about us!!


And he doesn't "ride" the fire truck, he is either standing on top of it or pushing it while crawling or walking. I keep putting him on it the "right" way but he doesn't know what to do to make it go yet. [Just a note: Can you see Taki in the very back of this picture? She sits by the front door until we let her out. Normally this time of year she doesn't want to be outside since it's so hot, but she will stay out for hours! I guess she just needs some alone time!]


Stratton moved up to the 1 year old class at church last night. They have "real" chairs and not the ones that are mounted into the table, so I was worried that he wouldn't sit in it.  But our good friends Amy and Alicia are teaching so I knew if he got fussy or tired they wouldn't mind "babysitting" him a little. I think he was getting bored in the other class because he always cried, but last night- No tears!! Yay! Amy did have to hold him for a little while but she put him back in his chair after a few minutes and he was fine again!

In other news he is eating SO good! And I am so happy to be buying regular food and milk instead of baby food and formula!