
Coming Soon. . .


I can’t believe Stratton is going to be FOUR!!!


Where did my sweet baby go?!


4th of July Fun

We spent the 4th and 5th in the Ridge. We shot fireworks Thursday night after Gigi grilled steaks and chicken for dinner and it was fun but I forgot how awful the mosquitos are after dark! We had two big shop fans, a fire in the fire pit, citronella candles and lots of Off and that didn't keep them from biting! Arden wasn't much a fan of the fireworks, she was tired and they were loud.

Saturday morning we took Gigi's new tractor for a spin and drove around the farm, then we had lunch and Dillon and Brandye came over (they had been out checking the water) After naps the kids and dog had a blast playing outside in the water. The tempertures actually were pretty comfortable for July, so we spent a lot of time outside.