
Good news, Bad news.

The good news is that my doctor's office just called and my blood test came back negative- I don't have H. Pylori, like he thought. The bad news is, while the new meds he gave me are making me feel some better, I still don't feel like the issue is resolved. I go back next Thursday, April 22nd, for a follow-up. I don't know where he will want to go from here? But like I said the meds are doing some good, so at least I am not in as much pain and I am not as nauseous as I have been, so that is a blessing!

"D"- Day


We dropped Stratton off at Day Care this morning. Jarrod and I both went, mainly because I had a ton of stuff to take! But also for emotional support. I didn't cry, but came real close. I am flooded with emotions this morning so I spare you the details, but it was harder than I anticipated. I am already counting down the hours till 5pm! I might try to sneak by around lunch, if I have time. But I am worried that if I drop in it might just make it worse for me! The good news it that we dropped him off at 7:30 and I was at the office at 7:50, I even swung into McD's for an iced coffee (my weakness, but I needed some caffeine to get me going) and was still early! Today can't go by fast enough!