She did get in her first cat fight today! Actually, another kid scratched her. It looks so bad, but it doesn't seem to bother her a bit! The other kid is being moved to a different room on Monday!
Arden was really good for her appointment. She just cooed and played with the nurse and doctor Bailey. She did cry pretty good when she got the shots, but who can blame her?! So, our sweet little Arden, is exactly that. . .little! She only weighs 13.2 pounds and was 24 inches long. That puts her in the 40th-45th percentile. A far cry from big brother, who at 4 months weighed 17 pounds and was 27 inches, and in the 99th percentile! But doctor Bailey assured us that she is growing perfectly, she actually went up significantly from only being in the 25th percentile in weight at 2 months. She's just going to be petite! That's ok, I guess. Short people have more personality anyway!
She is still wearing 0-3/3 month sizes for the most part. Some of them (especially leggings) are getting on the tight side. Sister has some thick thighs! I think all her weight gain has gone to her little legs! She can still wear size 1 diapers, but as soon as we finish out this next box we will be moving up a size. She is going to be our free-spirited child, I fear. She is still getting up in the middle of the night for a bottle and refuses anything resembling a schedule or any kind of structure! Of course the doctor says thats completly normal, but when you had a previous child that flourished on a schedule and was sleeping through the night at 12 weeks. . .it's a hard concept to grasp! But at least she is a happy, healthy baby and we can't complain about that! She is usually very bright eyed and curious. You can see the wheels turning in that little head of hers! She does't stay in one place for very long at all and she loves attention and to be held! She also adores Stratton. She just grins and laughs at him like he is the funniest thing ever.
She did have a fussy spell tonight, but after another dose of tylenol and a bath she settled down and went to sleep. Stratton on the other hand has been really whiney and has been giving us fits every night. Tonight was a particularly intense fit over not wanting to take a bath?! I'm sure it's the combination of being sick, being SO off our schedule and trying to test us. . .well, it's not working out for him, I can tell you that much! I hope he realizes it soon, because we are so tired of dealing with it! Our eveings are stressful enough without the drama king making a huge production!
I am looking forward to a low-key weekend. . . Hopefully.