
and it just keeps getting worse. . .

What a week?! Things have gone from bad to worse! If you haven't heard by now, I have been put on bed rest. I went to the Dr yesterday because I was sure I had a uti, well it turns out the back pain and other symtoms might have actually been labor related. I was dilated about a centimeter and so they put me on a monitor to check the baby's heart rate and to see if I was having any contractions. She told me that if I was having contractions I would have to go to the hospital, thankfully I wasn't having any contractions and the baby looks great so she just send me home with instructions to stay off my feet as much as possible. I have another appointment on Friday, I assume she will check me again to see if I have progressed or (hopefully)if it looks like things might be closing back up. She told me to expect to be on bed rest at least for a couple of weeks. The best case senario would be for things to close back up and I stop having back pain and then I can maybe go back to work and be off bed rest. The worst case would be that things continue to progress and I will have to stay on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy, which if I make it to my due date will be another 9 weeks! That just sounds impossible! I am thankful that I wasn't contracting, I'd much rather be here at home in bed than in a hospital bed. Please keep us in your prayers. I am doing pretty good, but since the dr told me no housework or even laundry, Jarrod may need the most prayers!