Our 24 week appointment: We got right in at the Dr.'s office. I knew I was scheduled to have my glucose test, so I asked the nurse if she could get my yummy glu-cola drink so that we wouldn't have to be there any longer than necessary! With Stratton, you just never know. . .So I chugged the drink and then we went in for our ultrasound. The tech was super nice, we had never had her before so we filled her in on the past few appointments, and the past ultrasound problems. . . .no pressure! Luckily she found what exactly what she needed to to tell us the news we'd been waiting so long to hear!! And wow! I was shocked! I was mostly shocked because the baby was in the perfect position to see the "money shot" and the tech had no problem with seeing everything she needed. But the second shock was the news that we are for sure- 100% having a girl!!
Everything looked great! Her
hb was at 144, and she weighs about 1 lb 5 oz! She's right on track! I am also doing pretty
good. I've gained 6 lbs since my last check-up which brings the grand
total to 13 lbs. I did my glucose test and they should have those results in the next couple of days. If I do fail, I will have to go back for a 3 hour test, but hopefully we won't have to cross that bridge!
We are excited, but I don't think Stratton is very happy. But I think he'll come around! He did tell us right after the u/s that he would love on her, so I think we'll be ok. But when we got back into the car and called my mom and dad he wouldn't talk to them and tell them the news. I think he was in denial for awhile!!
Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along: 24 weeks
Size of baby: About the size of an cantaloupe,
Gender: It's a GIRL!! Finally we know!!
Movement: She is rockin' and rolling in there!
Sleep: Maybe getting a little better, but I think that's because I'm so tired at the end of the day!
Cravings:Cravings have slacked off a bit, but I'm still really hungry most of the time!
Symptoms: Leg Cramps and other cramps, backaches, and allergies!
Best Moment This Week: Finally getting to find out the gender!!