This week I packed the bottles away. It's the offical end to Arden being a "baby". It's been a rough couple of weeks for me realizing how fast my kids are growing.
We had Stratton's Parent Teacher Conference last week, and the teacher told us great things. I'm amazed at how much he is learning! I feel like he talks "big" now, too. He's always had a pretty extensive vocabulary, but I have really noticed a difference in words he uses to describe things and his imagination has kicked up some of the eleborate stories he tells. They also told us that he is right where he needs to be in all the areas that they test them in. And she said his art skills are really good. He even made a pattern with shapes and colors and most of the kids didn't get that! Most of all I was proud to hear that he is well behaved, and other than some issues with sharing and controlling his emotions when he gets really upset (typical for a four year old) she said she rarely has any problems with him!
Arden has pretty much digressed in the talking department. I feel like Stratton was more vocal than she is at 13 months. But she seems think about things more, she does things with intent and is much better at things that take dexerity and concentration. It amazes me how she works at puzzles and blocks, Stratton has never been interested in puzzles or things like that. She is already good at holding a crayon and she seems to really enjoy coloring and drawing.
I am so thankful that my kids are growing and learning and are healthy and happy! But it sure is hard sometimes when those little milestones come and go. I'm trying so hard to be present and enjoy those moments, I know they aren't going to slow down anytime soon!