
Our Pool Boy


This is where you will find us in the evenings if we don’t have somewhere to go! Monday evening our new neighbor’s across the street were out in their yard and Jarrod invited their little boy, Sam, over to play. He’s almost 4 years old and was so much smaller than Stratton. His parent’s couldn’t believe that Stratton is just fixing to turn 3. The boys had a fun time running and sliding down the slide, hopefully he can come back and wear Stratton out again soon!!

Blank Slate

Here is Arden’s room- Freshly painted and ready for some personality!


The wallcling I is a 4’x 3’ and I’m not really sure where to put it?


I have a ton of ideas on what I want to do! But not a lot of time!


We have a white shelf that will go over the changing table.


Maybe in the next few weeks we can get it all decorated! Cushions are being made for the glider, I think my mom is going to make a valance out of the same paisley material to match. I bought a mirror from Pottery Barn, and my mom and I both have picked up some accessories. Once we get the big things up (shelf, mirror and wallcling) I can decide on what I want to do with the other artwork I’ve designed for the room. I’m excited to start “frosting” the cake- it’s my favorite part!!