This boy loves to sing! I am not sure what inspired this breakout of song, I can’t remember. . .it looks like I am making my bed. I guess it’s always a good time for a song or two?! It’s funny when he comes home from school or church and is singing songs I don’t even know! I need to sit in on his bible class and learn all the new songs I don’t know! And more recently he’s started making up songs. It’s quite funny. Most of the time he is just repeating a word or sentence in a sing-songy voice, but it is usually about the most random stuff- like my heartburn. “Heartburn, Heartburn, Heartburn, mommy got heartburn!”. Seriously, I think we might have a future jingle writer on our hands? A couple of nights ago in the tub he was singing “I see Jalyn at school tomorrow!!” Over and over and over. . . His teacher also told me yesterday that when it’s time to clean up, Stratton is the first one to start busting out the “Clean-up” song, but he rarely actually helps cleaning up he just stands there and sings while all the other kids are picking up?! What are we going to do with him!!