Stratton had a great time!
Arden had fun watching
Our colored eggs!
Arden had her 6 month check-up and shots yesterday. She now weighs 15.7 pounds (30th percentile) and its 26 inches long (50th percentile). She was a perfect angel the whole time and I had a great visit with doctor Bailey about Arden’s ears and the prospect of tubes. I feel so much better about everything now. I just love her, I bet she sat and talked to me for at least 35 minutes. She has 2 young sons so she can relate and shares her experiences just like she would with a close friend. It’s just so nice to be able to talk to a Dr. and not have them be annoyed like they are trying to get you in and out as fast as possible! They said she looked perfect! Arden had to get shots, and she did cry but not for long. This was the last time she’ll have to have shots till she’s a year old.
Stratton had a physical today for Pre-K. Our appointment/walk through at Valley View Pre-K is next week and they needed a documented physical. I picked him up from school to find out that they had moved their Easter Party to today!! The note had said Friday! I was so mad. Stratton was really disappointed that he was going to miss it and the egg hunt and mostly the cupcakes. PLUS I brought treats for the party I thought was tomorrow! Good thing I brought him some Lightning McQueen juice and a snack! He got over it pretty quick and he did so good at the doctor!! (And not because I was poking sour patch kids in his mouth to keep him happy). He weighs 38 pounds (75th percentile) and is 3 feet 8 inches tall (99th percentile). There was a new nurse and she just went on and on about he couldn’t believe he wasn’t a 5 year old. We get that ALL THE TIME. He’s just tall people, have you seen his daddy!
They checked him all out and I had a few questions and I thought we’d be in and out in no time. . .but no. After looking through his chart it turns out that he missed some shots when he was around the 15 month mark and one shot he got wasn’t considered valid because they had given it to him too early. Really?. I don’t know how that happened. Especially with as much as we’ve been to the doctor! It’s not like we never go- in fact it seems like we are always there. It frustrates me! How did the Children’s clinic not notice that before?! I am so glad we left that clinic and started going to see the Docs at NEA Peds when Arden was born! I asked the nurse if there was a chance that he got them and it just didn’t get recorded and she said that could be a reason but it wouldn’t hurt him to have them again, and they won’t take him at Pre-K or Kindergarten unless he gets them. Oh boy. So, did I mention I took Stratton alone because I thought it was a physical and we’d be in and out?? I was worried since the last time he had to get a shot back in the fall it took 4 people to hold him down! Well, it only took two of us this time, but he still put up a good fight. I felt bad since the shot was sprung on him without warning, but it was probably better that way. I could tell one of them really hurt, he wouldn’t hardly put pressure on that leg and I had to carry him! He’s such a chunk, too! So, afterwards we went to J. Christopher's, the toy store and he got a “happy”. He picked out a polka-dot ukulele (guitar, to him) Then we went back to school picked Arden up and came home! Stratton was in rare form all night. Not sure if it was from the shots or sugar rush from all the sour patch kids I let him have, but whew! I was glad to see him go to sleep!!
We also dyed easter eggs tonight and I will post pictures later!
Oh, and Arden had a tooth pop up on the bottom right! I felt it before I saw it! She was chewing on my finger and. . . ouch! There was something sharp in there! It’s just a little speck, but it’s there alright. I think next week we will be starting to send food to school for her to eat, instead of just giving her baby food at home in the evening. I could be wrong but she’s eating more and sleeping better, I have to think that the two might be connected? She slept thru the night 3 nights this week.