
Weekend at home

Finally, it's gotten a tiny bit cooler! We can at least be outside for a little while without dying from a heat stroke! Stratton loves to be outside. We try to take him out, but it's been hard this summer. I am looking forward to the fall and cooler temperatures so we can spend more time outside! See how big Sadey has gotten!! She likes to lick on S's feet and he thinks it's hilarious!



Jarrod went on a Fishing trip with some buddies from college last weekend, so Stratton and I enjoyed a little time at home. Saturday morning it was so nice. We went out in the front yard after breakfast. Well about 20 minutes it started to sprinkle. . then it got harder. . and harder. . and before long I was almost soaked. So, I finally took S in the house, I didn't like being all wet even though it didn't phase him a bit! Here's what he thought about being in the house. . .


Saturday afternoon Isabella and Alexandra came over. They spent the night with us since Uncle B and Christina were going to a concert in Memphis. The girls were great! They just played with Stratton and entertained him! It was awesome! I was proud of myself, I managed to take all three kids to the grocery store, and then I got us all up and to church on time at 9am! I am not ready for three kids!! I have also had my fill of the Disney channel for awhile!


Stratton chillin' in his wagon drinking his juice- with his entourage.


Loving all the attention!


This boy loves shoes! He will busy himself for an hour just trying to put them on!IMG_3169IMG_3168

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