

These are Stratton's favorite words, and rightly so! You have to look really hard, but can you see the puddle? I had just given him a bath and while I was trying to get him dried off I turned my head for one second and he peed all over the closet door and the floor!! AHHH!!! And he thought it was sooo funny!! He did the same thing last night, too! What am I going to do with this boy!?!


He's a mess but he sure is cute!



Kayce said...

I told you this day would come!!! Just be glad it was on tile instead of carpet.

amber leann said...

Too funny! Boys will be boys!

kristen g. said...

He is so pretty, pee puddle and all. Sorry, I bet Jarrod hates it when people say that! :) :) Brett says, Boys are supposed to be handsome. :)