
Pajama Party at Church


Whew! What a party! There was a bouncy house, lots of crafts, a Polar Express Movie theater, sugary snacks, hot chocolate station, reading of The Night Before Christmas and a visit from Santa!


I caught this while all the other kiddos were playing, here is Sutton (4) and Stratton (3) reading in the Santa chair! So sweet!


Arden (almost 3 months) and Sawyer (6 months)


At the craft table with Amy and Juliet


Aren’t their matching Jammies cute!


Stratton DID NOT want to sit in Santa’s lap. He didn’t really like Santa holding Arden either!


1 comment:

kristen g. said...

I LOVE their matching pajamas! Where did you find them? Hanna? CWD KIDS? Next year I'm getting cute jambes for xmas. :)
And what a nice Santa! So funny S didn't want him holding his baby sister.