
1st week back at work & Arden's 2 month checkup

Friday, Nov. 16th

Whew! We made it through my first week back at work! It actually wasn't too bad. Arden decided to start sleeping through the night! That makes all the difference! We are getting into a better routine and I think it's really helping us all! She gets a bath and a bottle around 9pm and we try to put her down between 10-11pm and she has been sleeping till around 6 am. I will be glad when she starts sleeping for 10 hrs straight but I will take 7-8 hours over 3-4 any day!!

Friday morning, Arden got her first vaccinations and we went ahead and took Stratton to get a flu shot. Stratton had a meltdown, to say the least! The nurses and doctor assured us that it was completley normal for his age. They said that three and four year old are the worst! Bynthe time they were done Jarrod and Stratton were both dripping with sweat! And they had to call another nurse in to help hold him down! It's amazing how strong he is!

Before the insanity. . .

She is 10 lbs 7 oz and 22 inches. Still a little on the small side! I looked back and Stratton weighed 14 lbs when he was 2 months old! She's going to be petite like me I'm afraid.

Arden didn't like her shots either but her crying was short lived. She did run a fever and acted like she felt bad Friday night and Saturday.

Random pics from the week. . .

See what was sent to my office on Monday morning?I have one sweet husband! It made my day!

1 comment:

kristen g. said...

Aww, what a sweet man to send you those!! He is so thoughtful :) love all the pics.