
35 weeks


Pregnancy Stats:

How Far Along: We are exactly 4 weeks away from holding our baby girl!

Size of baby: On average a baby at this stage is 5.5-5.8 pounds and around 18.5-18.7 inches- about the size of a coconut.

Movement: Still plenty of movement, but it’s getting less and less intense.

Sleep: It comes and goes. I can nap really well though!

Cravings: Nothing new here, still chopping on lifesaver mints and ice like crazy.

Symptoms: Still have bad heartburn that I can’t seem to get rid of, more swelling, and of course all the mess that went on Monday and Tuesday!

Best Moment this past week: Our fun dinner party/shower Saturday night! (more on that in another post)

Stratton may be digressing a little. He told us Sunday that we weren’t having a girl, but a baby boy! Hmm. . .I’m thinking all this might be getting a little to real for him too! He’s been watching a show on Disney Jr. lately called Charlie and Lola. It’s a cute cartoon about a big brother and little sister.  So, I think at the moment he thinks having a little sister is going to be fun like the cartoon. Haha. He’s in for a rude awakening! We are still dealing with some weird tantrums and fits. This morning he got mad at Jarrod because he was going to walk him into his classroom, like we always do. Today apparently he wanted to do it alone! One minute he’s wanting you to hold him and the next he’s Mr. Independent?! These moody phases need to pass!! I’m the one that is supposed to be having the mood swings!

Adren’s room will be completely complete if I can just get Jarrod to hang up the window valance sometime this week! My mom finished it and gave it to me this weekend. We just haven’t had a chance to get it up, but we will soon! Then I will finally post pictures!

Other than being mentally prepared, I think we are ready for her to come anytime. Her bed is ready, laundry is done, bottles are ready to go, carseat is revamped and ready to put in the car, and We all have bags packed and ready to go . . . I just need to schedule the cleaning lady to come and do a really good deep cleaning to the whole house and we’ll be set.  It’s funny that I think I’m ready- and it’s even funnier that I know I’m kidding myself and I’m not even the least little bit prepared for what’s really to come! At least I’m trying! I know even the best and most thought out preparations are going to need some tweaking, but things are much farther along than when Stratton was born and we made it ok, so I’m not going to get too worried! I feel like I’ve done just about everything I can do at this point!

Things on the checklist now are:  Spend quality time with Stratton, Take it easy and try to make it 4 more weeks, Get a mani/pedi (and maybe one more massage), Go buy a new robe that isn’t white (I left mine at the hospital on Monday! Ugh!!). All that doesn’t seem too ambitious does it? I don’t want to over-do it! Ha-ha?!



Yikes! Just 4 more weeks?!

1 comment:

kristen g. said...

You are too cute. I am so happy you have hit 35 weeks!! It's nice to know you're 'ready' and have done as much as you can do at this point. :)