
34 Weeks


Ya’ll, I’m tired!! I saw this cartoon on a website and had to post it to facebook immediately, as this is exactly how I feel!!

Pregnancy Stats:
How Far Along: 34 Weeks. . .5 weeks and 1 day to go till Arden’s scheduled delivery.
Size of baby: Almost 5 pounds and around 18 inches! Compare to a cantaloupe! (I feel like I’m carrying a 20lb watermelon in there, though!)
Movement: There’s been a big change in movement this past week. She’s still kicking, but it’s much, much less. I think she’s either “dropped” into position or just really cramped!
Sleep: I had a few nights of wonderful sleep! One night I only got up twice!
Cravings: Still chopping on lifesaver mints and ice and I’ve been so thirsty!
Symptoms: WORST. HEARTBURN. EVER. Seriously, I have bad acid reflux to begin with, but the hb I’ve had this past week was killer, it’s keeping me up at night and making me nauseous. And my feet are swelling, I knew it was just a matter of time.
Best Moment This Week: Just making it to 34 weeks! I can’t believe we’re here already!!

Wow. 34 weeks! God is so good!! What a blessing. I’m just so relieved that we’ve made it this far and haven’t had any issues. We’ve continually been blessed with a normal pregnancy. . .no diabetes, no bed rest, and so far looks like no signs of preterm labor. I can’t get over how fast the last seven and a half months have gone by. I’m excited about Arden’s arrival, but also a little sad since this will likely be my last pregnancy. It’s weird and conflicting emotion! (Why am I sad?? I’m tired and miserable?? It doesn’t make any sense!).

Other good news, my cold symptoms are much better, thankfully! I took my last dose of antibiotics last night! Glad those are over! They sure were giving me some stomach issues!

We are just about done with Arden’s room. Just a few more final touches and it will be complete. It’s pretty much ready now, the big stuff is in place and her laundry is done, and the car seat has been washed and recovered! We are ready to go! I even have my bag packed! I’m hoping that getting all prepared will just mean nothing happens. Like in the winter when there’s a snow storm coming and they tell you to get prepared, so you run out in the craziness to get milk and bread. . .and then nothing happens! : ) I’m hoping for that scenario! I have to be honest, at this point I don’t know that I am going to make it 5 more weeks. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m just feeling like it’s getting closer.

Stratton has been such a love bug lately. He has been noticeably more affectionate to me especially. A couple of months ago, he could pretty much care less if I was around or not, he wanted “daddy to do it” whether it was getting dressed or fixing him something to eat! He was also right by Jarrod’s side where ever and whatever he was doing. But the last month or so he has really become a momma’s boy. He’s also been asking us to “play with him” a lot lately. Where as before he would just sit in the floor and play by himself. Now he frequently asks us to join him.  Sunday Jarrod said he was ready to go back to the beach and asked Stratton if he was ready to go. Stratton’s response “No! We have to wait till my sister comes out so she can go with us!”. And last night he drew a picture of “our baby sister” and “she is going to be red!”. Haha.

1 comment:

amber leann said...

Aw how sweet is big brother!!! :) soooo proud that this pregnancy has been as normal as one can be ;) can't wait to see her!!