
:: Easy on Monday :: E-MEALZ

Thought I’d try something new!! On Monday’s I will [try] to share with you something that makes my life EASIER!! I know we all need some help here!! Especially on Mondays!



E-MEALZ Easy Meals for Busy and Frugal Families

I don’t think I have ever shared this on my blog, but I love this program! I subscribed about 2 years ago, and I don’t use it as much as I used to, but that is because I have to deal with such a picky eater in the house (no, not Stratton. I’m talking about Jarrod!) and don’t find myself as organized as I used to be! haha! But I do download the menu every week and I love getting to use the recipes when I can! If you are tired of eating the same stuff over and over every week and love new, EASY recipes. Then try it out! It’s only $15 for 3 months and if you don’t like it you can cancel your subscription. It’s easy to download, and the recipes are not only super easy they are also usually pretty good. I think it’s worth your while to check it out and will hopefully make mealtimes a little easier!!


kristen g. said...

I know a lot of people use this program- does it include nutrional info?
Do ya'll have a 'Dinner done' or anything in Jboro yet? If my life was as crazy busy as yours I'd do something like that every few months just to have stuff premade and ready to go for those nights when you just can't get dinner ready. :) I have a lot of those nights too and I'm home all day!

Amanda Coats said...

We have used this for almost a year now, thanks to you and Amy suggesting it. Anyways we cook 3-5 meals every week on it. Brian has lost weight with the low fat one, I keep trying to get him to do weight watchers and using their new point menus. Anyways we have only had about 5 bad days in the year. It is a lifesaver especially now that Brian does all the shopping for it, and has no difficulty getting everything at our Super Target. Highly recommended, I should get a commission on all the people that use it based on my suggestion. The only negative and I know this sounds cheesy but we like the meals and then don't see them again. Pretty good for something new every week for 1 year!