
Life's a moving!

We've had a busy last couple of weeks! Stratton got another cold and was running a pretty high fever so we took him to the Dr and they said to keep giving him zyrtec and put him on an antibiotic. I had to stay home with him one day and Jarrod had to stay home with him another day. He bounced back pretty quickly, thank goodness! We are too busy to be sick!! 

On Thursday September 23rd, Stratton got his first hair cut! He didn't like sitting in the chair by himself, so I had to hold him. . .which means no pictures. And it just so happens that I left my camera at home anyway!! I NEVER do that?!! I got one quick (and horrible) picture on my phone. I just wanted her to trim off the top so I could "fix it" cute. He had really long hair in the front and no hair in the back. Now it's a little more uniform.  He didn't really like the experience, but at least it's over with and he shouldn't need another one for awhile!


Before~See that tear?!


After ~ Isn't it too cute!

On Friday (the 24th) we went to Searcy to the football game with Jarrod's family and got to see several of his friends. They were having a "Class of 2000" reunion but we didn't get there till the game started and missed the tailgating part. Oh well. Stratton was really restless this time. It was really warm and humid again and just not "football weather" yet. But he looked super cute!!


Since it is finally getting a little cooler, we have been playing outside a lot. Stratton will say "side!" meaning outside. . .and he can hear the door open from the other side of the house and will come running. . "side! side!" and then throw a fit when you don't take him out. He gets mad when we let the cat out and won't let him out! ha-ha! If only!! I wish we could play in the back yard with Sadey, but she is still such a hyper puppy and I am afraid she would get excited and knock Stratton down, so we stay in the front yard most of the time. Put Stratton knows where to find the dog and will walk to the fence and she will come running! He thinks it's so funny when she licks him from under the fence.


This past weekend Stratton spend most of it at my mom and dad's house. Jarrod took him on Saturday when he went to the farm. Stratton woke up on Saturday saying "trat-or". He got to ride the tractor again with Jarrod Saturday morning. I spent the day doing laundry and I cleaned off the front porch and put my fall wreath and garland on the front door. Sunday was the church homecoming at Hickory Ridge, so we went to church there and then stayed for the potluck. Stratton stayed with my mom and dad Sunday night, since it was my mom's Monday to be off work. They came back to Jonesboro Monday afternoon and went to church with us Monday night. We had a gospel meeting Sat-Tues at Valley View, and it was really good! So, we have been rushing in from work trying to get S fed and bathed by 6:30 every night! I enjoyed the gospel meeting and regular church last night but I am ready to just be at home with no where to go tonight! Plus, our laundry is really piling up! We don't have any major plans for this weekend. Since Daddy is done cutting rice and not ready to start on the beans, Jarrod isn't needed on the farm and I am hoping that we can work in the yard some more and get some new mulch down and the house washed, but we will see. I have a tendency to make a lot of plans for the weekend but then when it gets here I lose my motivation!!


kristen g. said...

He suddenly looks so much older! Maybe it was his BIG haircut :)

amber leann said...

Awww! So cute!