
My new "do"

I decided to try something different and get a body wave! It normally takes so long to blow dry my hair and when it's 100 degrees and you have a one year old that gets into everything, not only do I not want to stand there and have heat blowing on me for 40 minutes, but it's almost impossible unless Jarrod is at home to be able to spend that much time on my hair anyway! My thought was if I got a body wave I could just scrunch it and go- no blow drying! It's working ok. I mean I am definitely saving time, but it doesn't look the way I thought it would. It's much tighter than I thought it would be. I hate posting pictures of myself, but due to insistent demand, I am giving in.


I got a body wave one summer in college, but it was before I met Jarrod so he has never seen my hair even remotely curly-since normally my hair is straight as a board. I didn't tell him what I was doing either! I love to get my hair cut, or colored and surprise him! He liked it, but Stratton didn't want anything to do with me for a little while! So far it's been nice with all this heat and humidity. I am curious to see how long it lasts. If my memory serves me correctly I don't think the one I had before lasted very long, and I probably won't make this my new permanent hairstyle!


amber leann said...

YAY! A pic! It is very different seeing you with curls! So much easier though!! I am sure the curls will loosen and you will like it more.

kristen g. said...

I think you look so pretty! It is tighter than I had imagined, but I bet it will loosen up in another week or so. My hair is growing out and looking super weird. I want it a little longer but it's at the stage where you can't really even trim it w/out going soo much shorter. Hair! Why is it always something!?