
Playing outside

In between the rain- and we have had A LOT of rain these past couple of weeks- we have played outside some. Stratton loves to be outside! My dad (aka "Pops") bought him a neat wagon and he loves to go for rides in it. Last Thursday night we went for a LONG walk around the neighborhood. Jarrod pulled the wagon and I pulled the dog. No kidding, we wore Sadey out! She would want to stop and I assumed she needed to take a potty break- nope. She would just lay down?! I actually had to carry her for a few minutes because she would NOT budge! Makes me laugh. Oh, and I know it looks funny that we are playing in the front yard, but in the afternoon the front yard is so nice and shady we end up sitting out there instead of the back yard where the sun is blinding!

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kali said...

Stratton looks adorable in his wagon! Poor Sadey...Caesar did that when he was a puppy. We would walk along and I'd keep going while he laid down. And at times, he wouldn't budge! (Of course, he was just being stubborn!!) She'll adjust & quickly learn how fun those walks are!!

kristen g. said...

He is so cute in his wagon!