
Stratton is 4 weeks old!

It really seems like yesterday we were bringing him home! The past three weeks have gone by very quickly. . . that could be due to the zombie-like state I am in from lack of sleep! Stratton is now taking 4 ounces of formula at almost every feeding. He is still eating every three hours, except at night when he will sometimes go a little longer, he actually let us sleep for a full three hours last night! (that's almost 4 1/2 hours between feedings!).

I never realized how much time a baby requires. I assumed that I could just sleep when he sleeps and get by. . .haha! Live and learn! During the day our schedule is like so: Stratton is fussy and and does the "hungry whine and face", then it takes a hour to change his diaper, fix his bottle, give him the bottle and burp a few times. Then I try to keep him awake for 45 minutes to an hour before putting him down for a nap which usually only lasts about an hour. Then we do it all over again!! At night we skip the waketime/playtime and go right back to bed after eating. He does really well, almost like clockwork! However, that doesn't leave me with a lot of time to take a nap myself. And that hour that I might get when he is napping is spent doing laundry (I had no idea how much laundry babies go through!) dishes or picking and cleaning up. And if I'm lucky I might get to take a shower or eat a quick bite! (This should also tell you why I haven't been able to call some of you for a chat in the past few weeks!) I keep getting asked how I have lost all my baby weight, and it's not that hard when you aren't getting adequate sleep and don't have time to eat!! Ha! I shouldn't complain. He's a great baby. He doesn't cry unless it's time to eat and sometimes when he has a wet diaper.  I mean we've had a few rough days, but for the most part he's happy and content.  I am really lucky!

Pictures from tonight . . .

9:00 pm: Dinner time 


9:45 pm: Bath time


10:15 pm: Ahhh. . . he's full and clean and in his jammies, it's time for bed! 


10:30 pm: Sweet dreams. . .


. . . is he dreaming or is it gas?? haha!



amber leann said...

Been there done that...twice! lol I know you are super busy right now but I am so glad that you are keeping us updated through your blog! Gosh I can't believe he is a month old & I haven't held him yet! Makes me sad!! Let me know when is good for you & I am there!

kristen g. said...

Yeah it's pretty time consuming! Can you imagine adding MORE laundry with cloth diapers? I had considered it w/ this baby but then I came to my senses and realized I barely got the regular laundry done with a new baby around, no way was I adding 3 more loads a day! :)
I LOVE the bath picture, he is so adorable. And it's probably gas, but who knows, maybe he's already dreaming about those next 4 oz. :) Miss you and love you guys!