
Abnormal test results

My doctor's office called yesterday with the 1 hr sugar test results and unfortunately it was a little on the high side. I have no idea what the measurements mean, but my level came back at 148 mg/dl and 140 mg/dl is acceptable. . . anything over that requires that you take another 3 hr. sugar test. [Just lovely! Ugh.] I already had an appointment scheduled on Wednesday at 11:00, so they are going to do the test that morning. I have to be there at 8am, having had nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before. They will draw blood as soon as I get there to measure the baseline “fasting blood glucose level”. Then I get to drink a big 'ol bottle of that yucky glucose drink. After that blood will be drawn and tested every hour for the next three hours. Sounds like fun, huh! Just what I want to be doing the day before I leave to go on vacation!

My iron came back low, too. Which means I will need to start taking iron twice a day now. And from what I hear that  is a pretty normal thing for the third trimester. I have read that some women actually feel more energized after taking the iron supplements, and that one of the symptoms of iron deficiency is fatigue and tiredness. . .  so, maybe having more iron in my system will help give me a much needed boost!

Please just say a little prayer that this will turn out to be no big deal. I am worried that I will have gestational diabetes and have to give myself a shot in the stomach everyday. [I shudder at the thought!] I know I will do it if that is what I have to do, but I REALLY hope it doesn't come to that!!


kristen g. said...

Most people don't have to do the shot in the stomach! Usually just adjusting your diet and tracking your blood sugar will work...the percentage of women who actually have to do the insulin shots is very low. (Yes, I've been reading up on this--you peaked my curiosity._)

kali said...

I cringed as I read the part about giving yourself a shot...daily! I will definitely be praying for you!!!

amber leann said...

You will be fine. I know lots of girls that had to go back to do the 3 hr. test but everything came back fine. I also know some that had it and all they did was adjust their diet like Kristen said. I was low on iron throughout my entire pregnancy with both boys. I took supplements as well. These are all hurdles but you will overcome them and do GREAT!!

Shea said...

I had to go back a second time, too. I think mine was 142 the first time. Don't worry! Just be prepared for a long morning and lots of pricking! Oh, and did anyone tell you the drink is even sweeter the second time?! Have fun and take a good book or someone to keep you company!